Im Auftrag der Zukunft. Der Fraunhofer-Podcast (2024)
Customer: Funkenweiss
on behalf of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is not only known for the groundbreaking development of the mp3 format. Today, Fraunhofer continues to develop solutions for the current problems of our time, from cyber security and intelligent glues to the environmentally friendly use of water.
Together with journalist Annette Weiß from Funkenweiss and radio presenter Sven Oswald, we have been working with Fraunhofer since spring 2024 to develop the podcast format “Im Auftrag der Zukunft. Der Fraunhofer-Podcast” (On a Mission for the Future. The Fraunhofer Podcast), which provides insights into precisely these exciting areas of science. Annette Weiß and Sven Oswald are alternating between leading the episodes, each of which will cover a current research topic. In several short interviews, they talk to researchers from various Fraunhofer Institutes and, in some cases, to representatives of companies that are already benefiting from the scientific findings.
The We Are Producers team is responsible for the entire audio production of the podcast, which is published every two weeks. An individual sound design was conceived and produced for the format.

Im Auftrag der Zukunft. Der Fraunhofer Podcast (2024)
Customer: Funkenweiss
on behalf of Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is not only known for the groundbreaking development of the mp3 format. Today, Fraunhofer continues to develop solutions for the current problems of our time, from cyber security and intelligent glues to the environmentally friendly use of water.
Together with journalist Annette Weiß from Funkenweiss and radio presenter Sven Oswald, we have been working with Fraunhofer since spring 2024 to develop the podcast format “Im Auftrag der Zukunft. Der Fraunhofer-Podcast” (On a Mission for the Future. The Fraunhofer Podcast), which provides insights into precisely these exciting areas of science. Annette Weiß and Sven Oswald are alternating between leading the episodes, each of which will cover a current research topic. In several short interviews, they talk to researchers from various Fraunhofer Institutes and, in some cases, to representatives of companies that are already benefiting from the scientific findings.
The We Are Producers team is responsible for the entire audio production of the podcast, which is published every two weeks. An individual sound design was conceived and produced for the format.