In the wrong place at the wrong time. Esso, a black teenager from South London, must fear for his life. In the year 2035, Rhia is struggling with completely different problems. Orphaned, her soccer talent is her only chance for a better future. Esso asks Rhia for help: because to save his life, he must change the course of time….

Cover Hörbuch The Upper World Ein Hauch Zukunft von Femi Fadugba

This doesn’t just sound damn exciting – it is. That’s why we are pleased to have been asked by der Hörverlag to handle the entire audio production for the audiobook The Upper World. This included the recording of the voice actors in our sound studio in Berlin, the editing and the mastering process.

Audio books are often produced with only one narrator. But for this story with its two clear protagonists, it was the logical decision to cast them with two voice actors. Moses Leo as Esso and Isabelle Redfern as Rhia take us into two different times and worlds. The production was supported by Roman Neumann, an experienced director from numerous audio book and broadcast productions, who accompanied the recordings for part of the time.

With his debut, Femi Fadugba seems to have hit the big time. In The Upper World, the author incorporates autobiographical elements and brings together two very different worlds that he himself knows very well: that of the street gangs in south London and that of physics. The potential of the story has not been missed by Netflix either, which will soon release an adaptation of The Upper World.

The Upper World is published by der Hörverlag on October 18, 2021. For more information on the audiobook, visit the der Hörverlag website.