After a break of over two years, the popular podcast “Durch die Gegend” is finally back – and in a completely new outfit! We are excited to announce that the first new episode of “Durch die Gegend” will be released on July 19.

Podcast-Cover Durch die Gegend mit einer fiktiven Silhoutte mit Wahrzeichen aus den Stödten Berlin, Köln, Hamburg, Dortmund, Frankfurt in einer Print-OptikTogether with host and radio presenter Christian Möller, we have been working hard on the relaunch of the podcast over the past year. A lot has changed. “Durch die Gegend” not only has a new and unique soundtrack, but will also be released in a modern 3D sound experience. A lot has also changed visually, as you can already see from the new cover design. At the distribution level, we are delighted to have Zebralution at our side as a competent and friendly partner for marketing.

But one thing is very important: the core of “Durch die Gegend” has not changed. Christian still meets up with interesting people for a walk. Go out! Walk around! Talk! In places that have something to do with the interviewees: Neighborhood, hometown, favorite place. Because good thoughts come as you walk.

We would be delighted if you would support the project and thus help us to be able to continue the project independently of advertising revenues. All you have to do is sign up for the Durch die Gegend Club. We have put together various packages so that there should be something for everyone. Thank you for your support!

You can find more information about the Durch die Gegend Club on our Steady webpage.